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Organizational communication essay

An organizational communication essay is an academic paper that explores various aspects of communication within an organization. This type of essay typically examines the different channels of communication that exist within an organization, the challenges that arise in communication processes, and strategies for effective communication. It may also discuss the impact of technology on organizational communication, communication styles and cultural diversity, and the role of communication in organizational culture and leadership. The essay may draw on theories and models of communication, as well as empirical research on communication in organizations.

Organizational communication essay

Organizational communication essay (Sample)


Organizational communication is the process through which different individuals receive and send information in an organization. This communication is crucial for organizational members in accomplishing their various roles. It assists in ensuring the maintenance of the organization’s policies, processes, and tasks. Additionally, unlike other forms of communication, organizational communication depends on the organization’s culture. Therefore, it is a form of communication that only happens in a specific environment. Although there is a cultural variation from one organization to another, communication in an organization is different because it is culturally dependent (Downs et al., 2020). This makes it a bit multifaceted to study organizational communication. However, since communication’s most significant aim is to help establish a constructive relationship, all organizations have common facets of organizational communication. 

Facets of Organizational Communication

There are four main facets of organizational communication; organization, culture, people, and platforms. 


It is easy to argue that organizations primarily drive effective communication. In other words, how an organization communicates is highly tainted by whether it is an NGO, a private organization, or a government establishment (Downs et al., 2020). For example, government establishments are dishonorable for their system of government, decorum, and order, which assist significantly in framing their communication channels. On the other hand, the horizontal structure that allows flexibility and speed is always seen in private organizations. Therefore, how communication manifests in an organization is determined by its setup, policies, structure, geography, and history.


Since culture is defined as particular individuals’ or societies’ social behavior, custom, and ideas, culture essentially defines how organizations do things. This is influenced by the organization’s mission, national culture, and the subdivision it controls (Downs et al., 2020). Whether a value is placed by an organization on face-to-face meetings, it encourages whistleblowing, or whether it allows feedback to be channeled from subordinates to superiors, all connect to its culture. Removing the negatives, keeping the positives, and having a deep understanding of culture can become essential for implementing a new communication approach. 


Communication within an organization is ultimately impacted at every level by people. The people are responsible for putting policies and processes into place and operating within the framework (Usman, 2019). Yet we are all different, both in manners, educational access, types of personalities, and communication style, among others. These factors play a significant role in demanding constant flexibility from other individuals during communication. Therefore, providing people with an appropriate framework, skills, guidance, and support assists organizations in achieving an inspired culture of communication. 


Gone are the days when traditional forms of meeting in which colleagues could sit in one building, have a face-to-face talk or speak the same language for communication was possible. The platform of communication in the world of today is varied and brilliant. The world is full of virtual meetings, working through phone calls and emails, and much more (Usman, 2019). The platforms apply equally to both the context and the means of communication; workers’ surveys and management meetings are also considered. How communication affects an organization, therefore, involves different factors. The four facets provide an essential framework through which initial inquiries can be made before focusing on specifically identified issues as a dismantling means of the workplace’s communication engine. 

Communication Flows in an Organization

Organizations’ communication flows follow five directions; downward, upward, lateral, diagonal, and external, as indicated in Mayfield et al. (2020) ‘s “Flows and Patterns.” 

  1. The downward flow of communication – This is a form of communication in an organization that flows to a lower level from a higher level. It is a form that managers always use to transmit work-related information to workers. It is used for different purposes, including passing instructions to workers, receiving feedback on workers’ performance, and communicating the organization’s missions to workers.
  2. The upward flow of communication – This form of communication flows to a higher level from a lower level. It is primarily helpful in providing feedback on how well the organization’s functions are being carried out. For example, subordinates use the channel to communicate their performances and problems to their superiors. Additionally, this form of communication leads to a more committed workforce because workers are allowed to raise their concerns to higher levels. 
  3. Lateral/Horizontal Communication – This communication form takes place at the same level as the organization’s hierarchy. Communication between workers, peers, and managers is an example of horizontal communication. This form of communication is highly time-saving, facilitates task coordination, and provides social and emotional assistance to the organizational members. 
  4. Diagonal communication – This is a form of communication that occurs between a manager or managers and workers of different working areas. Generally, it is always hard for this form of communication to appear on the communication chart. For example, a training manager must first interact with operations personnel before designing a training module to inquire about how certain tasks are performed. 
  5. External communication – This form of communication primarily takes different managers and external groups like contractors, suppliers, financial institutes, banks, etc. For example, the managing director must first have a lengthy discussion with the bank manager before raising capital for their organization. 


What is communication organization?

Communication organization refers to the systematic and strategic planning, development, and implementation of communication activities and messages within an organization. It encompasses all the various ways in which an organization communicates with its stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, investors, and the general public.

Effective communication organization involves creating a clear and consistent message, identifying the right audience for that message, and choosing the most appropriate channels to reach that audience. It also involves monitoring and evaluating communication efforts’ effectiveness and making necessary adjustments to improve results.

The goal of communication organization is to ensure that all communication activities align with the overall goals and objectives of the organization and to effectively communicate information and ideas in a way that engages and inspires stakeholders. Effective communication organization can help build trust, establish credibility, and enhance reputation, all of which are critical for success in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

What’s the importance of communication in organizational culture?

Effective communication is a crucial component of organizational culture and can have a profound impact on the success and sustainability of an organization. Communication helps to build trust, foster collaboration, and establish a shared sense of purpose among employees. In a well-functioning organizational culture, communication is open, transparent, and consistent, which helps to create a positive and supportive working environment.

Good communication can also enhance decision-making processes, as it encourages input and feedback from diverse perspectives. This, in turn, can lead to better solutions and more informed decisions that benefit the organization as a whole. Communication also helps to build a strong sense of community within an organization, which can increase employee engagement, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.

However, communication can also have a negative impact on organizational culture if it is ineffective, inconsistent, or lacks transparency. Poor communication can lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and a lack of trust among employees, which can undermine productivity and morale. In some cases, it can even lead to conflict and division within the organization, which can be difficult to resolve and may cause long-term damage to the organizational culture.

Therefore, it is important for organizations to establish effective communication processes and protocols, and to regularly assess and evaluate the effectiveness of their communication efforts. This can involve creating clear channels for communication, encouraging open and honest communication, and promoting transparency and accountability in decision-making processes. It can also involve investing in training and development programs to help employees develop the communication skills they need to succeed in the workplace.


Downs, C., DeWine, S., & Greenbaum, H. (2020). Measures of Organizational Communication. Communication Research Measures, 57-78.

Mayfield, M., Mayfield, J., & Walker, R. (2020). Flows and Patterns. Fundamental Theories Of Business Communication, 95-117.

Usman, K. (2019). Impact of organizational culture, organizational communication and supervisor support on the job satisfaction of employees working in online IT based distance learning institutions of Pakistan. Open Praxis, 11(2), 143–156. 

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