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Essay about organizational behavior

An essay about organizational behavior is a written piece of work that focuses on the study of human behavior within organizations. This type of essay aims to explore and explain how individuals and groups behave within organizations and how this behavior affects the organization’s overall performance.

Essay about organizational behavior

Organizational behavior is a complex and multifaceted field, and a good essay on this subject should reflect this complexity. The essay should start by defining the key concepts and theories underpinning organizational behavior study. This may include a discussion of key terms such as motivation, personality, attitudes, and emotions.

Once the key concepts have been defined, the essay should go on to explore the various factors that influence individual and group behavior within organizations. This may include an examination of the role of leadership, communication, and organizational structure. The essay should also consider the impact of organizational culture, workplace diversity, and workplace conflict on behavior within organizations.

A good essay on organizational behavior should also provide practical examples and case studies to illustrate the key concepts and theories. This can help to bring the ideas to life and make them more accessible to the reader.

Finally, the essay should conclude by summarizing the main points and offering some insights into the future direction of the field of organizational behavior. This may include a discussion of emerging trends and the impact that technological advancements are having on the study of human behavior in organizations.

Sample essay about organizational behavior

Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior within organizations and the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws on theories and concepts from psychology, sociology, and anthropology to understand and explain how people behave in organizations. Scientific approaches can be introduced in the field of Organizational Behavior to bring out the best in workers and improve the overall success of an organization.

Organizational behavior seeks to answer questions such as:

  • Why do employees behave the way they do in organizations?
  • How do organizations influence employee behavior?
  • How does individual behavior affect organizational performance?
  • What are the best practices for managing and motivating employees?

The study of organizational behavior provides a framework for understanding how organizations can be managed and how employees can be motivated to achieve organizational goals. It also provides practical tools for improving communication, building relationships, and managing conflict within organizations.

Organizational behavior and its importance

Organizational behavior is an important field for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike. It seeks to understand and explain how individuals, groups, and organizations interact with one another and how these interactions affect organizational performance. The importance of organizational behavior can be seen in its impact on several key areas of organizational life, including improving communication, building strong relationships, and managing conflict.

One of the primary reasons organizational behavior is important is its ability to improve organizational communication. Communication is a critical aspect of organizational life, as it helps to ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal and that everyone has a clear understanding of what is expected of them. By studying the communication patterns of individuals and groups within organizations, organizational behavior provides insights into what works and what doesn’t in terms of communication (Renuka & Frederick, 2014). This information can then be used to improve communication strategies and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Improved communication can lead to increased collaboration and teamwork, resulting in better organizational performance.

Organizational behavior is also crucial for building strong relationships within organizations. Relationships are a critical aspect of organizational life because they help to create a sense of community and foster a positive work environment. By studying the dynamics of relationships within organizations, organizational behavior provides insights into what works and what doesn’t in terms of building strong relationships (Harish & Prabha, 2020). This information can then be used to develop strategies for improving relationships and creating a positive work environment. Strong relationships can lead to increased job satisfaction, employee engagement, and better organizational performance.

Another important aspect of organizational behavior is its impact on managing conflict within organizations. Conflict is a normal part of any organizational environment, and it can have a significant impact on organizational performance if it is not managed effectively (Saoula et al., 2018). By studying the causes of conflict and the ways in which it can be managed effectively, organizational behavior provides a framework for managing conflict in a way that is beneficial for everyone involved. This can lead to improved relationships, increased collaboration, and a more positive work environment.

In addition to its impact on communication, relationships, and conflict management, organizational behavior is also important for improving the overall performance of organizations. By examining the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations, organizational behavior provides insights into why employees behave the way they do and how their behavior affects the overall performance of the organization. This information can then be used to develop effective management strategies that can help to improve organizational performance. This can include strategies for improving employee motivation, engagement, and productivity, which can lead to increased organizational success.

Organizational behavior is also important for individuals. By understanding the principles and theories of organizational behavior, individuals can gain a better understanding of their own behavior and how it affects their work and relationships within their organization. This knowledge can help individuals to develop better communication skills, build stronger relationships, and manage conflict more effectively. Additionally, individuals who have a strong understanding of organizational behavior are often better equipped to handle leadership positions and are more likely to be successful in their careers.

How organizational behavior impacts personal success

Organizational behavior seeks to understand and predict human behavior in organizations. It covers a wide range of topics, including motivation, leadership, decision-making, communication, and group dynamics, to name a few. In this segment, we will discuss how organizational behavior impacts personal success and what individuals can do to leverage this knowledge to achieve their goals.

First, it’s important to understand the connection between organizational behavior and personal success. Organizations are complex systems that involve many people, processes, and structures. As a result, the behavior of individuals within these organizations can significantly impact the overall success of the organization and, by extension, the success of the individuals themselves. For example, suppose an employee is highly motivated and engaged in their work. In that case, they are more likely to produce high-quality work, which in turn will benefit the organization and the employee’s own career prospects. On the other hand, if an employee is demotivated and disengaged, they are less likely to perform well, which will negatively impact the organization and their own career prospects.

One of the key areas of organizational behavior that impacts personal success is motivation. Motivation refers to the driving force that causes people to take action. When employees are motivated, they are more likely to put forth their best effort and perform at a high level. In turn, this can lead to increased job satisfaction, recognition, and advancement opportunities. On the other hand, when employees are demotivated, they are less likely to perform well and may experience decreased job satisfaction and reduced career prospects.

To leverage the knowledge of organizational behavior to enhance personal success, individuals can take several steps. Firstly, it’s important to understand one’s own motivations. This can involve identifying what drives them, what they find fulfilling, and what challenges they face in their work (Eatough, 2022). Once individuals understand their own motivations, they can use this information to inform their career goals and aspirations. For example, if someone is motivated by the opportunity to take on new challenges and responsibilities, they might consider seeking out positions that offer greater responsibility and opportunities for growth.

Another area of organizational behavior that impacts personal success is leadership. Effective leadership can have a profound impact on an individual’s career. When leaders are supportive and empowering, they can create an environment that fosters growth and development. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, recognition, and advancement opportunities for employees. On the other hand, when leaders are ineffective, they can create a negative work environment that stifles growth and development, which can negatively impact employee motivation and job satisfaction.

To take advantage of the knowledge of organizational behavior to enhance personal success, individuals can develop their leadership skills. This can involve taking courses, attending workshops, or seeking out mentorship opportunities. By developing their leadership skills, individuals can increase their ability to influence and motivate others, which can improve their chances of success within their organizations.

In addition to motivation and leadership, effective communication is another key area of organizational behavior that impacts personal success. Effective communication involves the ability to articulate one’s ideas and opinions in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner. When individuals are skilled communicators, they are more likely to be heard and understood, which can enhance their chances of success in their careers. On the other hand, when individuals are poor communicators, they are less likely to be understood and may experience decreased job satisfaction and reduced career prospects.

To leverage the knowledge of organizational behavior to enhance personal success, individuals can work on developing their communication skills. This can involve taking courses, practicing in real-world situations, or seeking feedback from others. By developing their communication skills, individuals can increase their ability to articulate their ideas and opinions, which can enhance their chances of success in their careers.

How does organizational behavior affect the workplace

Understanding the ways in which organizational behavior affects the workplace can help organizations improve their performance, foster a positive work environment, and enhance employee satisfaction and well-being. In this sub-topic, we will discuss how organizational behavior affects the workplace and the benefits that organizations can derive from a deeper understanding of this field.

One of the most significant ways that organizational behavior affects the workplace is through motivation. Motivation refers to the driving force that causes people to take action. When employees are motivated, they are more likely to put forth their best effort and perform at a high level. This can result in increased job satisfaction, recognition, and advancement opportunities for the employees and improved organizational performance. On the other hand, when employees are demotivated, they are less likely to perform well and may experience decreased job satisfaction and reduced career prospects.

To leverage the knowledge of organizational behavior to enhance workplace performance, organizations can create a work environment that fosters motivation. This can involve providing opportunities for employee growth and development, offering recognition and rewards for high-performing employees, and creating a supportive and empowering culture. Additionally, organizations can also seek to understand the motivations of their employees and align their goals and incentives with those of the organization.

Another important area of organizational behavior that affects the workplace is leadership. Effective leadership can have a profound impact on an organization. When leaders are supportive and empowering, they can create an environment that fosters growth and development (UAGC Staff Member, 2022). This can lead to increased job satisfaction, recognition, and advancement opportunities for employees, as well as improved organizational performance. On the other hand, when leaders are ineffective, they can create a negative work environment that stifles growth and development, which can negatively impact employee motivation and job satisfaction.

To leverage the knowledge of organizational behavior to enhance workplace performance, organizations can develop their leadership skills. This can involve offering leadership training and development programs, encouraging leadership at all levels of the organization, and creating a culture that values and supports effective leadership. Additionally, organizations can also seek out leaders who have a strong track record of success and create opportunities for them to share their knowledge and expertise with others.

Effective communication is another key area of organizational behavior that affects the workplace. Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals. When communication is effective, it can lead to improved collaboration, increased efficiency, and improved organizational performance (McFarlin & Sweeney, 2017). On the other hand, when communication is ineffective, it can result in misunderstandings, reduced collaboration, and decreased organizational performance.

To leverage the knowledge of organizational behavior to enhance workplace performance, organizations can work on improving communication skills. This can involve offering communication training and development programs, encouraging open and transparent communication, and creating opportunities for employees to provide feedback and share their ideas. Additionally, organizations can also seek to understand the communication styles and preferences of their employees and align their communication strategies accordingly.

Teamwork is another area of organizational behavior that affects the workplace. Teams are groups of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal. When teamwork is effective, it can lead to increased collaboration, improved problem-solving, and improved organizational performance. On the other hand, when teamwork is ineffective, it can result in reduced collaboration, decreased efficiency, and decreased organizational performance.

To leverage the knowledge of organizational behavior to enhance workplace performance, organizations can work on improving teamwork skills. This can involve offering team-building activities, encouraging collaboration and cooperation, and creating opportunities for employees to work together. Additionally, organizations can also seek to understand the dynamics of their teams and provide support and resources to help them work effectively together.

Finally, decision-making is another area of organizational behavior that affects the workplace. Effective decision-making can lead to increased productivity and success, while ineffective decision-making can result in poor performance and failures. To leverage the knowledge of organizational behavior, organizations can encourage employees to participate in decision-making processes, provide training and development opportunities, and foster a culture of innovation and risk-taking.


Organizational behavior is an important field of study because of its impact on several key areas of organizational life. Whether it is improving communication, building strong relationships, managing conflict, or improving organizational performance, the principles and theories of organizational behavior can provide valuable insights that can help organizations and individuals to be more successful. Also, understanding how organizational behavior affects the workplace can help organizations improve their performance, foster a positive work environment, and enhance employee satisfaction and well-being. By understanding the importance of organizational behavior, organizations and individuals can take steps to improve their performance and achieve their goals.


Eatough, E. (2022, May 18). Learn how to be your own best ally for reaching your goals.

Harish, K., & Prabha, B. J. (2020). Impact of transformational and transactional leadership behaviour on the organisational performance. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management1(1), 1.

McFarlin, D., & Sweeney, P. (2017). Managing conflict with effective communication and negotiation. International Organizational Behavior, 78-129.

Renuka, P., & Frederick, H. (2014). Organisational Behaviour and its Role in Management of Business. Global Journal of Finance and Management6(6), 563-568.

Saoula, O., Johari, H., & Fareed, M. (2018). A conceptualization of the role of organisational learning culture and organisational citizenship behaviour in reducing turnover intention. Journal of Business & Retail Management Research12(04).

UAGC Staff Member. (2022, June 17). 4 Leadership Styles in Business: Leadership Style Quiz.