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Secret of Body Language Video Reflection

Secret of Body Language Video Reflection

The video analyzes a peace negotiation photo session involving President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and Yasser Arafat. In the photo sessions, all three individuals look happy and lively. Bill Clinton jokingly informed the media that they had promised each other they would not take any questions or make comments. We see meaningful verbal communication as the three leaders return indoors. They all struggle to make way for each other and get through the door last. The then US president does not care much about this, and he enters the door first. But since going last in a door signifies dominance and power in the Middle East, Yasser Arafat and PM Ehud Barak struggle and almost wrestle for the ‘honors’ of going last. Another example of non-verbal communication in the video is taking the upper hand when shaking hands. Leaders strategically place themselves to have the upper hand (dominance) when photographed shaking hands.

Non-verbal signals are stronger when used together with verbal messages. The addition of verbal combination puts more emphasis on the non-verbal message. Some people might not get the message being propagated by a non-verbal cue, but with verbal communication, they get the message. I tend to believe non-verbal messages the most. Verbal messages can be faked, or a person may say what is expected, but it is not their genuine thoughts. However, non-verbal messages tend to come out naturally, therefore less likely to be fake.

From this video, I rediscovered the power of non-verbal communication. I learned that some people are so keen and will read all forms of non-verbal communication. With this knowledge, I will be careful of the non-verbal signals I always depict. Learning the impact of voice pitching is something that will significantly enhance my non-verbal communication. This is something I deploy in my future communications with clients to get an intended response. The information presented in the video shows that non-verbal signals a different interpretations in different cultures. Therefore, when dealing with clients of different backgrounds, I will be cautious of the non-verbal cues we share. Self-awareness of our beliefs and core values is essentials as it dictates how our message is perceived. I learned that non-verbal cues could show how well you are listening and if you care. I intend to use non-verbal cues to show my client I keenly listen to them and care about their concern. If I realize that a client is not attentive based on the non-verbal signals they send, I will verbally inquire if everything is okay or need something.

When delivering a presentation, I use non-verbal communication to spice it up. Usually, I use body movements, hand signs, and facial expressions to put emphasize. The outcome has always been positive, as my audience remained attentive and lively. An example of a time when I misinterpreted non-verbal communication from someone was recently in an electronic store in my neighborhood. The store had announced a 40% cut on its gadgets.  At the entrance, we found a salesperson who informed us that apparently, the 40% deal was no more. We were a group of five random individuals. As the salesperson spoke to use he looked to my side and smirked/blinked. I found this odd, unprofessional, and assumed he had an ill motive. Later I realized that he was trying to signal me not to leave yet. The deal was still on, but the other individuals in the group I was were banned from the store by management.