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Best Reflection Essay on a Class

A reflection essay on a class is an assignment that requires you to echo on your experiences and learning in a particular class. It is an opportunity for you to analyze and evaluate what you have learned, what skills you have developed, and how you have grown both academically and personally. A reflection essay on a class typically includes sections that discuss the course content, the instructor’s teaching style, interactions with classmates, expectations, and personal growth. The essay can also include a conclusion that summarizes your overall thoughts on the class and any suggestions for improvement. Writing a reflection essay on a class can be a valuable exercise in self-reflection and can help you to identify areas of growth and improvement for your future studies.

Reflection Essay on a Class

Reflection Essay on a Class (Criminology)

Criminology is a field of study that examines the causes, consequences, and prevention of crime. Throughout this course, we explored various theories and concepts related to crime, deviance, and justice. The class was taught by Professor [Name], who has extensive experience in the field of criminology and provided us with valuable insights into the subject matter.

In this course, we covered a wide range of topics, from the different types of crime to the various approaches to punishment and rehabilitation. We were also introduced to the criminal justice system and the challenges that it faces in maintaining a fair and just society. Overall, this class provided a comprehensive overview of criminology and its importance in understanding the complex nature of crime.

Throughout the course, we had the opportunity to engage in lively discussions, group projects, and individual assignments that helped us deepen our understanding of the material. As someone who has always been interested in the causes of crime and the ways in which it can be prevented, I found this class to be incredibly engaging and thought-provoking.


Before starting this criminology class, I had certain expectations about what I would learn and achieve. As someone who has always been interested in understanding the causes of crime and the ways in which society deals with it, I hoped to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field of criminology. Specifically, I was looking forward to exploring various theories and concepts related to crime and deviance. I was also interested in learning about the different types of crime, such as white-collar crime, violent crime, and property crime, and understanding the factors that contribute to their occurrence.

Additionally, I was curious about the criminal justice system and how it works to maintain law and order in society. I also hoped that this class would help me develop critical thinking and analytical skills. I wanted to be able to apply the knowledge and concepts that I learned in class to real-world situations, and to be able to make informed decisions about issues related to crime and justice.

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Criminology Course Content

The content of the criminology class was diverse and engaging, covering a wide range of topics related to crime, deviance, and justice. Throughout the semester, we explored various theories and concepts related to the causes and prevention of crime, as well as the different approaches to punishment and rehabilitation.

One of the most interesting topics we covered in this class was the social construction of crime. We learned how the definition of crime changes over time and varies across different cultures, and how social factors such as race, gender, and class can influence the way that people are perceived as criminals. We also delved into the various types of crime, such as white-collar crime, organized crime, and cybercrime. Through readings and case studies, we gained a deeper understanding of the complex nature of these crimes and the challenges that law enforcement and the justice system face in addressing them.

An area I struggled with was understanding some of the more complex theories and concepts, such as strain theory and social control theory. However, the instructor was very helpful in explaining these ideas and providing examples to help us understand their application in real-life situations.

The Instructor

The instructor for the criminology class, Professor [Name], has extensive experience in the field of criminology and was very knowledgeable about the subject matter. Their teaching style was engaging and interactive, and they encouraged students to ask questions and participate in class discussions.

I found that the instructor was very effective in helping me understand the material. They were able to explain complex theories and concepts in a way that was easy to understand, and they provided relevant examples to help us apply these ideas in real-life situations. Additionally, the instructor was always available for questions and was very approachable, which helped to create a positive learning environment.

One of the things that I appreciated about the instructor was that they challenged us to think critically about the material. They encouraged us to question our assumptions and consider different perspectives, which helped us to develop a more nuanced understanding of the topics we were studying. This approach was particularly effective in helping me to develop my critical thinking and analytical skills.

Interaction with Classmates

Throughout the semester, I had the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of classmates who came from a variety of backgrounds and had different perspectives on the topics we were studying. I found that our interactions were generally positive, and we worked well together as a group. One of the things that I appreciated about my classmates was their willingness to share their own experiences and insights. This helped me to gain a better understanding of the complex issues we were studying and provided me with different perspectives that I might not have considered otherwise. During class discussions and group activities, I found that my classmates were very engaged and enthusiastic about the topics we were studying. This created a dynamic and stimulating learning environment, and I felt that we were able to learn a great deal from each other.

How the class helped me grow

The criminology class has helped me to grow both as a student and as a person. Through the readings, discussions, and assignments, I was able to develop a range of skills and gain valuable knowledge that I believe will be useful in my future studies and career.

One of the skills that I developed in this class was critical thinking. Through our discussions and assignments, I learned how to analyze complex issues and evaluate different perspectives, which will be valuable in my future academic and professional endeavors. I also gained valuable knowledge about the criminal justice system and the various theories and approaches to understanding crime. This knowledge will be particularly useful in my future career aspirations, as I hope to work in a field related to criminal justice.

Furthermore, the class helped me to broaden my perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of the complex issues related to crime and justice. I gained a greater appreciation for the ways in which social, economic, and political factors can influence the criminal justice system and impact the lives of individuals who come into contact with it.


In conclusion, the criminology class was a valuable learning experience that helped me to grow both as a student and as a person. Through the engaging course content, supportive instructor, and enthusiastic classmates, I was able to develop a range of skills and gain valuable knowledge that will be useful in my future studies and career. I found the course content to be interesting and thought-provoking, and I appreciated the instructor’s ability to explain complex theories and concepts in a way that was easy to understand. I also found the discussions and group activities to be engaging and stimulating, and I appreciated the diverse perspectives and experiences of my classmates.

Overall, I would highly recommend this class to others who are interested in the field of criminology. The class provided a comprehensive overview of the subject matter, and the engaging teaching style and supportive learning environment made for a positive and valuable learning experience.

One suggestion for improvement might be to incorporate more hands-on activities or case studies that could help to further illustrate the practical applications of the theories and concepts we studied. However, this is a minor point, and I believe that the course as it stands is already an excellent introduction to the field of criminology.