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Reading Summary

Reading Summary

As per Benhabib, when the Department of Homeland Security declared the leader’s request of halting expelling youthful undocumented outsiders, President Obama said that this request had been the right choice. However, he didn’t determine whether this choice was right in legitimate or moral terms. Benhabib says that movements need to confront two moral and lawful hypotheses. First is the right of individuals to cross the boundaries freely. Second is the right of the nations to conclude who can cross their boondocks. She says that, albeit the global framework incorporates these hypotheses, it has not had the option to join.

Benhabib accepts that it is fundamental that we advocate for a world without outskirts. According to a moral viewpoint, individuals can not pick where to be conceived. Then again, discipline infers that individuals should assume liability for the results of their activities (Benhabib, 2012). Be that as it may, youngsters can’t settle on their own choices. It is their folks who settle on the choice for them. In this way, they can’t be rebuffed. The thesis here advances the view that refusal to regard an individual on the whole correct to lawful presence is fundamental treachery once we recognize that all people reserve the option to have rights in whatever place they might be. As an end product of this theory, a migration strategy that needs movement consistently to be a decision and never forced, can never be morally worthy.

Drawing on talk morals, she shows us why foreign nationals are living in a popularity-based nation reserve a privilege to have a place with its local political area, despite whatever boundaries to this the State may erect. From the start sight, the similitude between stateless people groups of the past and undocumented outsiders of today may appear questionable. However, the fundamental contrast lies in the conditions that drove them to emigrate and their explanations behind leaving. Settling on differentiation among decisions and conditions, we could say that the World War II displacement of stateless individuals was constrained and had no relationship with their behavior. However, the migration of undocumented outsiders is, at times, an individual decision. Also, on account of stateless individuals, to the Nazis’ fulfillment, as Arendt noticed, no state made a case for them. At the same time, undocumented migrants have the legitimate assurance of their nation of beginning, from a certain point of view. These two qualifications are significant until we consider those undocumented outsiders who have escaped their nations yet have wound up banished from the political refuge.

Having made this examination, we can infer that having rights is an option to have a lawful presence as a matter of first importance. The option to turn into an individual from a local political area, albeit on a similar continuum, as Seyla Benhabib shows, is a long way from being the most earnest case for those without rights (Benhabib, 2012).  The cross-over Arendt sees between these two implications of having rights drives her to look for the security of basic freedoms using the option to shape one’s local area. However, in Benhabib’s view, the force of the local political area ought to be restricted to account for the fundamental privileges of the individuals who have a place accepted with the local area. In our closing arguments, whether President Obama considered this load of good parts of the matter, his treatment of this issue shows that he went about as a “dependable legislator,” and not sharply as a portion of his faultfinders charged. It was “the best thing to do.”


Benhabib, S. (2012, July 29). The morality of migration. New York Times.