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Racial Profiling in Canada Essay – Best Essay Example 2024

“Racial Profiling in Canada Essay” explores the issue of racial profiling in Canada, including its historical context, current state, factors contributing to the problem, and efforts to combat it. The essay may examine how racial profiling impacts affected individuals and communities, and may also consider the role of policies, initiatives, and community-led efforts in addressing the issue. The goal of the essay is to raise awareness about the issue of racial profiling in Canada and to promote greater equity and inclusion in Canadian society.

Racial Profiling in Canada Essay
Racial Profiling – Photo by Kelly

Racial Profiling in Canada Essay (Sample)


Racial profiling refers to the practice of law enforcement officials, security personnel, and other authorities using an individual’s race or ethnicity as a basis for suspecting them of committing a crime or engaging in other wrongdoing. It is a complex and controversial issue that has been a subject of much debate and discussion in Canada and other countries around the world.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the prevalence of racial profiling in Canada, particularly among members of certain racialized communities. Despite efforts to address the issue, many individuals continue to experience discriminatory treatment by law enforcement officials and other authorities, based solely on their race or ethnicity.

This essay aims to provide an overview of the issue of racial profiling in Canada, including its historical context, current state, and factors contributing to its prevalence. The essay will also examine the various efforts that have been made to combat racial profiling in Canada and their effectiveness. By doing so, it will highlight the importance of addressing this issue and suggest ways in which we can work towards a more equitable and just society.

Historical context of racial profiling in Canada

Overview of Canada’s history of racism and discrimination

Canada has a long and complicated history of racism and discrimination towards various racialized communities, including Indigenous peoples, Black Canadians, Asian Canadians, and others. Colonialism and the dispossession of Indigenous lands and resources has resulted in significant inequalities and injustices towards Indigenous peoples, including systemic racism and discrimination in areas such as education, employment, and criminal justice. Similarly, the enslavement of Black Canadians and the discriminatory policies and practices that followed have resulted in ongoing challenges for Black communities in Canada.

Discrimination and prejudice towards other racialized communities, such as Asian Canadians, have also been evident throughout Canada’s history. This history of racism and discrimination has contributed to the prevalence of racial profiling in Canada today.

Examples of racial profiling in Canada in the past

Racial profiling has been a problem in Canada for many years, with incidents documented in various contexts such as law enforcement, border security, and airport screening. In the early 1900s, for example, Chinese Canadians were subjected to racial profiling and discriminatory treatment as a result of the “Chinese Immigration Act,” which imposed significant restrictions on Chinese immigration and allowed authorities to exclude or deport Chinese immigrants based on arbitrary and discriminatory criteria.

In the 1980s and 1990s, racial profiling was also prevalent in law enforcement, with Black Canadians and Indigenous peoples being disproportionately targeted by police for drug-related offenses. This was exemplified by the 1991 “Operation Soap” raid on Toronto bathhouses, which was targeted primarily at gay men but also resulted in the arrest and profiling of many men of color.

More recently, racial profiling has been documented in various contexts, including the use of carding by police in Toronto and other cities, which involves stopping and questioning individuals without reasonable suspicion, and the use of racial profiling in airport screening and border security, which has disproportionately targeted individuals of Muslim and Middle Eastern descent.

How racial profiling has evolved in Canada over time

Over time, racial profiling has evolved and adapted to changing social and political contexts. For example, while racial profiling in law enforcement has historically focused on drug-related offenses, it has more recently been linked to anti-terrorism efforts and national security concerns. The 9/11 attacks and subsequent global conflicts have resulted in increased scrutiny and profiling of individuals of Muslim and Middle Eastern descent, with security and border officials frequently relying on racial and ethnic stereotypes in their assessments of potential security risks.

Similarly, the use of technology and data analysis in law enforcement has also contributed to the evolution of racial profiling in Canada. The use of facial recognition technology, for example, has been criticized for its potential to disproportionately target individuals of certain racial and ethnic backgrounds, while the use of predictive policing algorithms has been linked to the over-policing of certain neighborhoods and communities.

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Current state of racial profiling in Canada

A. Statistics and data on racial profiling in Canada

While racial profiling is a difficult issue to quantify, there is significant data and research indicating that it remains a problem in Canada. For example, a 2019 study by the Ontario Human Rights Commission found that Black individuals were 20 times more likely to be shot and killed by Toronto police officers than white individuals. Similarly, a 2018 study by the University of Toronto found that Indigenous peoples in the city of Thunder Bay were significantly more likely to be stopped and questioned by police than non-Indigenous individuals.

Other studies and data have highlighted the disproportionate impact of racial profiling on other communities, including individuals of Middle Eastern and Muslim descent, as well as individuals from other racialized communities such as Asian Canadians.

B. Examples of recent incidents of racial profiling in Canada

There have been numerous incidents of racial profiling in Canada in recent years, highlighting the ongoing challenges and impact of discriminatory practices by authorities. In 2019, for example, a Black man in Halifax was wrongfully accused of theft by police and forcefully arrested while leaving a store. Similarly, in 2020, a video circulated on social media showing an Indigenous man in Winnipeg being punched and repeatedly hit with a taser by police officers during an arrest.

Other incidents of racial profiling have been documented in areas such as airport security and border screening, where individuals of Muslim and Middle Eastern descent have reported being subjected to additional scrutiny and questioning based solely on their appearance or ethnicity.

C. Impacts of racial profiling on affected individuals and communities

The impacts of racial profiling on affected individuals and communities can be significant, and can include feelings of humiliation, fear, and mistrust towards authorities. Racial profiling can also lead to more significant harms, such as wrongful arrests or detention, and can contribute to broader patterns of systemic discrimination and marginalization.

In addition, racial profiling can have wider societal impacts, such as eroding trust between communities and authorities and perpetuating stereotypes and biases. This can lead to broader social and economic inequalities, as well as reduced access to opportunities and services for affected individuals and communities.

Factors contributing to racial profiling in Canada

Police training and policies

One factor contributing to racial profiling in Canada is the training and policies of law enforcement agencies. Many police departments and organizations may have implicit biases and assumptions about certain racialized communities that can manifest in their practices, including in their use of force and targeting of individuals for questioning or searches.

For example, some law enforcement training programs may rely on stereotypical assumptions about particular communities, such as assumptions that Black or Indigenous peoples are more likely to be involved in criminal activities. This can lead to increased surveillance and scrutiny of these communities, even in situations where there is no evidence of criminal activity.

Similarly, some police policies may encourage officers to target individuals based on their race or ethnicity, such as through the use of racial profiling or other discriminatory practices. These policies can perpetuate stereotypes and biases and contribute to a broader culture of discrimination within law enforcement.

Media portrayals of certain groups

The way that certain groups are portrayed in the media can also contribute to racial profiling in Canada. Media portrayals can reinforce stereotypes and biases, leading to increased suspicion and scrutiny of certain communities by law enforcement and other authorities.

For example, media coverage of incidents involving individuals of certain racialized communities may focus on their race or ethnicity, leading to broader associations between particular groups and criminal activity. This can contribute to a cycle of discrimination and marginalization, as well as to an erosion of trust between communities and law enforcement.

Systemic racism and discrimination

Another factor contributing to racial profiling in Canada is systemic racism and discrimination. Systemic racism refers to the ways in which policies, institutions, and societal structures can perpetuate inequalities and discrimination against certain groups, even if individuals within those institutions do not hold overtly racist beliefs.

Systemic racism can manifest in a range of ways, including in the criminal justice system. For example, Black and Indigenous individuals in Canada are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system, and may face harsher penalties and more frequent interactions with law enforcement than non-racialized individuals.

These broader patterns of discrimination can contribute to the normalization of racial profiling and other discriminatory practices within law enforcement and other institutions. They can also contribute to the broader marginalization and exclusion of certain communities, reducing their access to opportunities and resources.

Efforts to combat racial profiling in Canada

A. Government initiatives and policies

The Canadian government has taken various initiatives and implemented policies to combat racial profiling in the country. One such initiative is the National Strategy on Community Safety and Countering Radicalization to Violence, which aims to address the root causes of radicalization and violent extremism while promoting social inclusion and respect for diversity. The strategy includes a focus on addressing the factors that contribute to racial profiling, including systemic discrimination and social marginalization.

In addition, several provinces have introduced regulations to limit the use of racial profiling by police officers. For instance, Ontario has implemented the Anti-Racism Act, 2017, which requires police services to collect data on stops, detentions, and arrests, disaggregated by race, and to develop plans to address any disparities identified.

B. Community-led initiatives and advocacy

Community-led initiatives and advocacy have also played an important role in combatting racial profiling in Canada. For example, community organizations and advocacy groups have worked to raise awareness about the issue of racial profiling and its impacts on affected individuals and communities.

These efforts have included organizing protests and demonstrations, developing resources and training programs to educate individuals and organizations about racial profiling, and providing support and advocacy for individuals who have been affected by racial profiling.

C. Impact of these efforts on reducing racial profiling

While significant challenges remain, there is evidence that these efforts are having a positive impact on reducing racial profiling in Canada. For instance, some studies have shown that initiatives like Ontario’s Anti-Racism Act have led to a decrease in the use of racial profiling by police officers.

Similarly, community-led initiatives and advocacy efforts have helped to raise awareness about the issue of racial profiling and to build momentum for change. These efforts have also helped to shift public attitudes and perceptions about the issue, leading to greater support for policies and programs aimed at combatting racial profiling.


In conclusion, racial profiling is a persistent and damaging issue in Canada that has deep roots in the country’s history of racism and discrimination. Despite efforts to address the problem, racial profiling continues to impact individuals and communities, particularly those who are marginalized and vulnerable.

Throughout this essay, we have explored the historical context and current state of racial profiling in Canada, as well as the factors contributing to the issue and efforts to combat it. From police training and policies to community-led initiatives and advocacy, there are a range of approaches that are being taken to address racial profiling in Canada.

However, it is clear that more work needs to be done to fully address the issue. Racial profiling has significant impacts on the individuals and communities affected by it, perpetuating systemic discrimination and social inequality. As such, it is essential that we continue to prioritize efforts to combat racial profiling and work towards greater equity and inclusion in Canadian society.

Moving forward, there are a number of steps that can be taken to address racial profiling in Canada. These include ongoing efforts to educate police officers and the wider public about the impacts of racial profiling, as well as policies and initiatives that promote greater transparency and accountability in law enforcement. Additionally, it is important that we continue to support community-led initiatives and advocacy efforts, recognizing the vital role that these groups play in raising awareness and advocating for change.

Ultimately, addressing racial profiling in Canada will require a sustained and coordinated effort from all sectors of society. By working together to promote greater equity and inclusion, we can build a society that is truly just and equitable for all.