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Philosophy: perceptions of melted and solid bee wax


The argument supports the notion that knowledge emanates from sense perception. Dependence on perception concluded that the solid bee wax was different from the melted bee wax. On the other hand, Descartes’s argument votes for the mind to be better knowing than the body. Depending on perception means that the body is a better knower than the mind, which is faulty. As a result of depending on perception, the mediator arrived at the decision that solid bee wax was different from melted bee wax, but this is not entirely true. One cannot say that the two are different, yet it is the same product that has been undergoing processes that change its form.

Perception only relies on smell, touch, hear and see. According to premise 4 of the argument, after melting the wax, it produces a different sound when knocked with a fingernail, feels soft to touch, and does not look like a cube to your eyes. Of course, using these senses, a solid bee wax will seem different after it is subjected to heat. However, using the sense of sight, one witnesses the wax melt from solid to liquid form. The change is only in form, but since nothing is added, it does not conclude that the melting bee was different from the solid bee wax.

The perceptions of both the melted and solid bee wax might be an illusion or dream. But by perceiving the wax’s form is undoubted. Perception gives more assurance than senses, proving that the mind is a better source of knowledge than the body.