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Essay What makes a Good Leader – Best sample essay about how to be a good leader

The essay what makes a good leader typically discusses the traits, characteristics, and qualities that are essential for effective leadership. The essay may explore various perspectives on leadership and highlight examples of successful leaders who possess these qualities.

essay what makes a good leader
Photo by fauxels

Some common qualities that are often cited as important for good leadership include:

  • Vision: A good leader has a clear vision for the future and inspires others to work towards that vision.
  • Communication skills: A good leader is an effective communicator who can clearly articulate their vision and goals to others.
  • Integrity: A good leader is honest, trustworthy, and follows through on their commitments.
  • Emotional intelligence: A good leader is able to understand and empathize with the emotions of others and use that understanding to build strong relationships.
  • Decision-making skills: A good leader is able to make informed and timely decisions, weighing the needs of the organization and the people involved.
  • Adaptability: A good leader is able to adapt to changing circumstances and new challenges.
  • Accountability: A good leader takes responsibility for their actions and decisions, and holds themselves and others accountable for achieving results.

Essay what makes a good leader


Leadership is an essential component of success in both personal and professional settings. Whether in a business, community organization, or even within a family, leading effectively is crucial for achieving goals and maximizing potential. However, not all leaders are created equal; some are more successful than others. So, what exactly makes a good leader? This essay aims to explore the qualities and characteristics that are essential for effective leadership and how they contribute to the success of a team or organization. By examining various perspectives on leadership and drawing on examples of successful leaders, this essay will offer insights into what it takes to be a good leader and why these qualities matter.

Throughout history, many leaders have been studied and celebrated for their unique leadership qualities. From Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance to Martin Luther King Jr.’s advocacy for civil rights, leaders have shown that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to effective leadership. However, despite the diversity of leadership styles, there are certain common traits and characteristics that are essential for success in any leadership role.

What makes a good leader?

One important quality that is often cited as critical for effective leadership is vision. A good leader must be able to see beyond the immediate challenges and envision a brighter future. A clear and compelling vision inspires others to work towards a common goal and creates a sense of purpose and direction for the organization.

Another crucial aspect of good leadership is the ability to communicate effectively. A leader who can articulate their vision and goals in a clear and compelling way can motivate and inspire others to work towards those goals. Effective communication also involves actively listening to team members’ and stakeholders’ needs and concerns and incorporating feedback into decision-making.

In addition to vision and communication skills, good leaders must also possess integrity and emotional intelligence. They must be honest, trustworthy, and follow through on commitments. They must also be able to understand and empathize with the emotions of others and use that understanding to build strong relationships and foster collaboration.

Effective leadership is also about creating a culture of accountability, where team members feel empowered to take ownership of their work and hold themselves and others responsible for achieving results. By embodying these qualities and traits, good leaders can inspire and motivate others to reach their full potential and achieve success.

Good leaders understand that they cannot expect their team members to do something they are not willing to do themselves. Therefore, they lead by example and set the tone for their team or organization.

“Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless-not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. 8 Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. 9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.”

Titus 1:7-9 NIV

According to this bible verse, for a leader to inspire others towards the same goal, the leaders must practice the same. Leading by example involves modeling the behavior and values that they expect from their team members. For example, a leader who wants their team to be punctual and reliable should always arrive on time and be prepared for meetings. This behavior also encourages a culture of accountability, where team members understand the expectations and are more likely to follow suit. When leaders lead by example, they gain the respect and trust of their team, which in turn leads to increased motivation and productivity.

Good leaders must also possess integrity and emotional intelligence. They must be honest, trustworthy, and follow through on commitments. They must also be able to understand and empathize with the emotions of others and use that understanding to build strong relationships and foster collaboration.

As a good leader, one ought to have the ability to make informed and timely decisions. Good leaders are able to weigh the needs of the organization and the people involved and make decisions that are in the best interest of both. They are also able to adapt to changing circumstances and new challenges and are accountable for their actions and decisions.

What challenges does good leadership face, and how to overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges that leaders face is managing change. Change can be difficult and disruptive, and leaders must anticipate and adapt to changing circumstances to stay competitive and achieve their goals. To overcome this challenge, leaders should involve their team members in the change process by providing clear communication and setting expectations. They should also be willing to listen to feedback and adjust their plans as necessary.

Another challenge that leaders face is building a strong team. A leader is only as effective as their team, and building a high-performing team requires a combination of talent, motivation, and collaboration. To overcome this challenge, leaders should focus on creating a culture of trust and accountability where team members feel valued and supported. They should also invest in training and development opportunities to help their team members grow and develop their skills.

Another challenge that leaders face is managing conflict. Conflict is inevitable in any organization, but how leaders handle conflict can have a significant impact on team morale and productivity. To overcome this challenge, leaders should develop strong conflict-resolution skills and be willing to intervene when necessary. They should also foster a culture of open communication and encourage team members to speak up and address issues before they escalate.

Another challenge that leaders face is managing stress and burnout. Leadership can be a high-stress job, and leaders must be able to manage their own stress levels while also supporting their team members. To overcome this challenge, leaders should prioritize self-care and stress management strategies like exercise, mindfulness, and time management (Read the essay about how to cope with stress to learn more stress management techniques). They should also encourage their team members to prioritize their own well-being and create a culture of work-life balance.

Another challenge that leaders face is navigating complex ethical dilemmas. Leaders must be able to make decisions that are in the best interest of their organization while also upholding ethical standards and values. To overcome this challenge, leaders should prioritize ethical decision-making and seek out diverse perspectives and opinions before making a decision. They should also be transparent and accountable for their decisions, and create a culture of integrity and accountability.

Finally, one of the biggest challenges that leaders face is managing diversity and inclusion. In today’s global and interconnected world, leaders must be able to navigate complex cultural differences and create an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and supported. To overcome this challenge, leaders should prioritize diversity and inclusion in their hiring and promotion practices and invest in training and development opportunities to help team members develop cultural competence. They should also foster open communication and encourage team members to share their experiences and perspectives.


In conclusion, a good leader is someone who possesses a combination of qualities and characteristics that enable them to inspire, motivate, and guide their team toward success. Effective communication, integrity, emotional intelligence, and the ability to make informed decisions are all critical components of good leadership. Furthermore, good leaders should lead by example, modeling the behavior and values that they expect from their team members. While there may be different perspectives on what makes a good leader, it is clear that leadership is a complex and multifaceted skill that requires continuous development and improvement. With the right qualities, skills, and mindset, anyone can become a good leader and make a positive impact on their organization and community.