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Essay on Workplace Environment Assessment

Workplace Environment Assessment

Part 1

My workplace is civil because the workers respect one another, which encourages a balance of teamwork. Nurses have a vital role in saving lives and helping people live healthy lifestyles. However, in the process of executing their duties, nurses are exposed to many adverse challenges. Handling these challenges requires the cooperation of workers in a medical facility. Luckily for my workplace workers car for each other and they show this through their cooperation. The cooperation helps them navigate through all the challenges that come forth. Considering the work-related vulnerabilities that nurses face, a civil workplace is very significant. The civil workplace assures workers that their teammates have their back which boosts their confidence. Some of the patients brought to the hospital have a contagious disease, and nurses fear how to handle them without contracting the disease. In a workplace where practitioners work as a team handling such a patient will be easy and safe for them.

The work environment assessment that I did at my workplace showed how respect and fair treatment among the workers have fortified how they interact. In every workplace, workers are encouraged to have a good relationship, and the best way of doing this is through socializing and spending more time together. Unfortunately, this does not go smoothly in most instances as the worker ends up getting into disputes. In my workplace, workers demonstrate mutual respect, which has helped ensure the relationship they have remains professional and conflict-free.

I was surprised with how the workplace is peaceful and conducive for all workers despite them coming from diverse backgrounds. One would expect cultural differences to pose a challenge and affect coordination. Surprisingly, the cultural difference among the worker has turned to be a treasure. The workers embrace their differences and tach one another of their backgrounds. As a result, the cultural sensitivity of the employees in the workplace has tremendously improved.

Another thing that surprised me from the assessment results was how creativity developed due to the workers’ freedom. Some leaders believe in inflicting fear on workers to get them to do their work. But to witness optimum results, the workers should be empowered to speak and made to feel free. When nurses are free, the work environment lightens up, and they share ideas that encourage creativity. Before conducting the assessment, I knew that the nursing profession could be pretty overwhelming; therefore, nurses need to take care of their mental status to prevent burnout. From the assessment, the nurses were mindful not to overwork or deny themselves time to relax. They took care of their mental well-being by trying to maintain an active social life.

The results of the assessment show that the health and civility of my workplace are perfect. So long as the employees work as a team, respect and treat one another as brothers, the work environment will be favorable for career growth. The assessment’s results also suggest that workers in my workplace aspire to grow together. None of them is selfish or wants to prosper at the expense of down stepping others.

Part 2

In Clark’s (2015) article, she praises the power of effective communication in workplaces. Effective communication ensures that we are heard, and we hear what the other party has to say. The workstations become a better place when people listen to one another because there will be a mutual understanding. When uncivil behavior occurs in a workplace, addressing it might feel uncomfortable but ignoring it cause much harm (Clark, 2015). Staying silent to an uncivil behavior increases stress, impair job performance and, could compromise patient care. Civility is achieved when a person is relaxed and not overworked. Therefore, when uncivil conduct occurs, it is best to handle it at an appropriate time when the parties involved are free. Clark passes on the message that sometimes uncivil behaviors will occur, and she encourages workers to resolve them. However, she warns people on what to avoid during uncivil encounters. Uncivil encounters are best addressed by having a critical conversation with the uncivil colleague. Before the conversation, one should be well-prepared and speak confidently using respectful expressions. During the conversations, no one should try to come out as the saint or better than the other.

This concept of trying to resolve an uncivil encounter through communication resonates with the findings of my assessment. Based on the result of my assessment, workers in my workplace treasure each other and act like brothers. For the sake of their bond, they have to speak about any disagreements they have. During these discussions, they practice effective communication. Teamwork nourishes only in settings where there is effective communication and equality. Successful collaboration requires nurses to set aside perceived power differential and any other factors that can inhibit problem-solving.

Clark’s concept of using effective communication to promote a civil environment helps organizations create strong work teams. When nurses communicate effectively, they learn that they have one thing in common (prioritize patient safety) and use it to navigate whatever challenges they might be facing. A nurse might have had an uncivil encounter due to stress, but as they have a conversation over the matter, they realize that patient safety is more important than their disagreement. As a result, they make peace and continue to have a mutually respectful and beneficial relationship. My organization could encourage workers to communicate effectively and always be mindful of the time they choose to talk to their colleagues over uncivil behaviors. The nursing profession can be pretty stressful, which can sometimes make a nurse talk disrespectfully to colleagues. Leaders in my organization should encourage open discussions to develop a culture where workers can speak of their concerns and feelings.

Part 3

The work environment assessment revealed that the workers did not have close relationships. The relationship that most people had was formal, and although there is nothing wrong with this, likely, the workers do not know much about each other’s personal life. A worker might be experiencing problems at home, and since colleagues have kept everything professional, no one will realize. The shortcoming is that the affected worker might reach a point of mental breakdown and jeopardize patient safety.

One strategy that might help address this shortcoming is incorporating team-building activities in the organization. Team building encourages workers to interact and form bonds in a non-work-related setting (Dermid, 2019). The team-building activities can be conducted outdoor, which will be fun and still attain the intended objective. Providing a platform for social interactions is another tactic that can help build less formal intimacy between workers. The leaders can introduce activities such as charitable runs and let the workers organize them. As employees work together on a project that is outside work, they build a less formal bond. A monotonous routine in any profession will eventually make things boring for workers. Team building and the provision of a platform for social interactions are strategies that keep professions lively. These strategies are different from the usual routine that nurses follow while at work.

The work environment assessment showed that the workers valued teamwork, and they all aspired to prosper together. The togetherness in the organization is perfect because the workers are not after tarnishing their mates’ reputations. In some firms, workers’ are over-competitive to the extent that they tarnish each other reputation hoping it will help them advance career-wise. Unfortunately, this affects the overall performance of the organization. When every worker is doing well, then the organization is enjoying its optimum success. The leaders should continue to encourage the culture of togetherness by making the workers feels like equals. Every worker should know their value in the organization and at the same time realize that their efforts alone are not sufficient. Initiatives that seek to individualize operations in the organization should be avoided. For instance, a program of rewarding individuals can make the workers start to develop selfish ideas of wanting to exhibit exemplary performance at the expense of not supporting their colleagues. Competition in an organization can be a good and a bad thing at the same time. Since currently workers in my organization are not competitive and they are performing great, it is best if completion amongst them is not introduced.


Clark, C. M. (2015, November 10). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse.

Dermid, C. M. (2019, July 11). 7 interprofessional collaboration strategies with examples. Miktysh.