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Essay on Material, Waste and Recycling

There is an issue with materials waste throughout the planet. The typical individual produces 1.3 tonnes of garbage annually, most of which is dumped in landfills, where it decomposes and releases methane, a severe greenhouse gas (GHG). Due to its impact on climate change, a significant worldwide concern, this is a massive problem. Everyone must be aware of the advantages of recycling and the negative impacts of materials waste to decrease the quantity of materials waste and increase recycling. It is more crucial than ever to recycle and reuse things when feasible due to the increasing garbage created daily.

The advantages of recycling are numerous. Recycling lessens the need to mine fresh raw materials, saving energy and lowering pollution (Mazzucco et al., 2020). It lessens the quantity of garbage dumped in landfills, which lowers methane emissions. Also, recycling may stimulate the economy and create jobs. Even though recycling has several advantages, only 9% of the world’s material waste is recycled (Kaza et al., 2018). Therefore, many individuals are ignorant about the advantages of recycling or the negative consequences of material waste. It is crucial to raise knowledge of the advantages of recycling and the negative impacts of material waste to decrease the quantity of material waste and improve recycling. Campaigns for public awareness and education can accomplish this. Although recycling and material waste are complicated topics, it is crucial to understand the advantages of recycling and the negative impacts of material waste. We can decrease resource waste and contribute to environmental protection by spreading awareness and promoting recycling.

However, recycling is only sometimes the most effective or efficient means of handling garbage, although most people think it is. In some circumstances, it is preferable to discard things. Recycling requires more energy and resources than starting from scratch when producing a new item (Taufik et al., 2020). Additionally, recycling can occasionally result in higher pollution levels than if the item had been thrown away. Of course, some materials, like aluminium cans and glass bottles, are always better recycled. However, it is only sometimes apparent if recycling is the best choice for other materials. Determining whether recycling is the best choice is the first step in effectively handling garbage and materials; therefore, recycle as you please.

Reusing and recycling materials is relatively easy to do. For instance, paper and cardboard may be recycled to create new paper goods, glass can be melted down and used to create new glass products, and metal cans can be recycled to create new aluminium products. Recycling might be more challenging for some materials, like plastic. Plastic may be reused in a variety of ways rather than being recycled. For instance, plastic bags may be used as trash or to line garbage cans, while plastic containers can store food and other objects. Plastic bottles can also be recycled into new bottles or used to construct planters. Recycling and reusing materials wherever feasible is crucial because of the rising quantity of garbage created daily. By doing this, we can aid in resource conservation, pollution reduction, and energy conservation.

There is an urgent need for action as the globe struggles with the problem of material waste and recycling. By producing less garbage overall and recycling and composting more, we can minimize the quantity of waste we produce. Diverting MSW from landfills by recycling and composting can lower greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and reduce waste. Nevertheless, do not feel bad about tossing things away if recycling is not the best alternative. The most crucial thing is to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of recycling. You may then decide what is best for both the environment and yourself. We need to accelerate the recycling and composting rate increases if we make any headway against the issue of materials waste and recycling.




Kaza, S., Yao, L., Bhada-Tata, P., & Van Woerden, F. (2018). What a waste 2.0: a global snapshot of solid waste management to 2050. World Bank Publications.

Mazzucco, W., Costantino, C., Restivo, V., Alba, D., Marotta, C., Tavormina, E., … & Vitale, F. (2020). The management of health hazards related to municipal solid waste on fire in Europe: An environmental justice issue?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(18), 6617.

Taufik, D., Reinders, M. J., Molenveld, K., & Onwezen, M. C. (2020). The paradox between the environmental appeal of bio-based plastic packaging for consumers and their disposal behaviour. Science of the total environment705, 135820.