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Bibliography for Nursing Assignment: Nursing Bibliography Examples

A bibliography for a nursing assignment is a list of sources that you have consulted or cited in your assignment. It includes all the books, journals, articles, websites, and other materials that you have used to gather information and support your arguments in your assignment.

In a nursing assignment, your bibliography should include references to peer-reviewed academic sources, such as journal articles and books, as well as government reports, policy documents, and other authoritative sources that are relevant to your topic.

Bibliography for Nursing Assignment
Bibliography for Nursing Assignment

What is bibliography assignment?

A bibliography is a comprehensive list of the sources that an author has used in the creation of a written work. This list can include a wide range of materials, including books, articles, websites, and other types of documents, depending on the assignment or project. The purpose of a bibliography is to provide the reader with enough information to locate and examine the sources that were used to create the work. It is also a way for the author to demonstrate the extent of their research and the quality of their sources.

Bibliographies come in different styles, including MLA, APA, and Chicago, among others, and each style has its own specific guidelines for formatting and organizing the information. For example, the MLA style requires that bibliographic entries be alphabetized and that the authors’ names be listed first, while the APA style requires that bibliographic entries be organized by the date of publication.

In addition to providing basic bibliographic information, such as the author’s name, title, and publication date, bibliographies can also include annotations or brief summaries of the sources. An annotated bibliography is usually brief, about 10-150 words. These annotations can provide insight into the relevance of a particular source to the author’s work and help the reader better understand the source’s significance.

Is a nursing bibliography similar to an abstract?

The short answer is no! Abstracts mainly summarize the original content. As for an annotation, it strikes a balance between summary and evaluation by doing the following:

  • Describing the content of a resource
  • Assessing the usefulness of the source in relation to the topic being studied
  • Explaining the methodology used by the authors
  • Highlighting the themes of the source
  • Pointing out the strengths and weaknesses
  • Evaluating the content’s accuracy, bias, and reliability of the author
Nursing Bibliography Examples

How to write bibliography in nursing

Writing a bibliography for nursing assignment typically follows the guidelines of a specific citation style, such as the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Here are some general steps for writing a bibliography in APA style for nursing:

  • Gather information about your sources: For each source, you will need to gather information such as the author’s name, publication date, title, and publication details (e.g., journal title, volume, and issue number).
  • Organize your sources: Arrange your sources in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. If a source has multiple authors, list them in the order in which they appear in the publication.
  • Write the bibliographic entry: For each source, write the bibliographic entry using the citation style’s guidelines.
  • Include annotations: This basically brief summaries of the sources. These annotations can provide insight into the relevance of a particular source to your work and can help the reader to better understand the significance of the source.

Nursing bibliography examples

Barnert, E. S., Lopez, N., & Chung, P. J. (2020). Barriers to health care for Latino youths during community reentry after incarceration: Los Angeles County, California, 2016–2018. American Journal of Public Health, 110(S1), S63-S70.

The article expounds on the barriers deterring Latino youths from accessing health care during reentry after incarceration. A qualitative research method was used. The study revealed poverty and the neighborhood environment contribute to limited health coverage. Cultural barriers also restrain Latino youths from accessing care.

The research shows how ex-convicts fitting back into society is challenging, especially for Latino youths; they face additional barriers to accessing care due to culture and legal status. When ex-convicts lack access to quality healthcare, their health is put at risk, and they might not find a reason for living, thereby choosing to resort back to crime. The information resented by the researchers is relevant as it helps healthcare practitioners understand the factors contributing to health disparities among youths reentering society, which is the first step to helping them.

Bazargan, M., Cobb, S., & Assari, S. (2021). Discrimination and Medical Mistrust in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample of California Adults. The Annals of Family Medicine, 19(1), 4-15.

The researchers looked for a correlation between medical mistrust and minority communities. The study is relevant because distrust in the healthcare system is common among individuals from minority communities, and finding a correlation of such mistrust might help improve the image of the healthcare system. A cross-sectional study was deployed, and it revealed that the level of medical mistrust was allied to racial/ethnic background. The researchers disclosed that medical trust could be restored by decreasing discrimination in the clinical setting. The information presented in the article is beneficial to the clinical setting since it offers a solution to eliminating disparities in health outcomes and promoting social justice.

Coley, S. L., Zapata, J. Y., Schwei, R. J., Mihalovic, G. E., Matabele, M. N., Jacobs, E. A., & Anderson, C. K. (2018). More than a “Number”: Perspectives of Prenatal Care Quality from Mothers of Color and Providers. Women’s Health Issues, 28(2), 158-164.

The article focuses on examining the perception of the quality of prenatal care by care providers, Mixed-Race, and African-American mothers. The study must have been triggered by the high neonatal mortality rate among mothers of underserved populations compared to White mothers. The researchers used a qualitative study method to fetch information. Their efforts revealed that mothers and providers appreciated customizing care to suit individual needs, and they believed it was a crucial element of prenatal care quality. The study shows the significance of mothers and providers having a good relationship and tailoring prenatal care. The article is relevant as it shows where prenatal care providers are faulty. For instance, after reading the article, it is evident that prenatal care providers should learn to develop their intercultural communication skills and enhance their culturally sensitive during consultations with mothers. This will help healthcare providers be more considerate of mothers’ concerns. 

Kalluri, N. S., Melvin, P., Belfort, M. B., Gupta, M., Cordova-Ramos, E. G., & Parker, M. G. (2021). Maternal language disparities in neonatal intensive care unit outcomes. Journal of Perinatology.

The authors sought to find whether primary maternal language influenced the outcome of neonatal intensive care. The researchers used a retrospective cohort study design. The article discloses that infants whose mothers spoke Spanish had a lower growth rate than infants of English-speaking mothers. The language of a mother determines the quality of care their offspring receives. New mothers need to understand all routines of clinical care, such as hand hygiene, lactation support, checking temperature, diapering, and discharge planning; otherwise, raising their infants will be challenging. The article is relevant as it reminds practitioners of the importance of creating rapport with patients. When a care provider and patient have a good relationship, they will communicate effectively despite their ethnic differences.

Salsberg, E., Richwine, C., Westergaard, S., Portela Martinez, M., Oyeyemi, T., Vichare, A., & Chen, C. P. (2021). Estimation and comparison of current and future racial/ethnic representation in the US health care workforce. JAMA Network Open, 4(3), e213789.

The article shows how racial diversity is spread across ten healthcare occupations. The report is relevant because it addressed racial inclusiveness in the healthcare workforce, which is essential in improving patient care quality and financial results. A cross-sectional study was deployedand it revealed the underrepresentation of Hispanics, Black, and Native Americans in the ten professions analyzed. The article appraises the diversity in some occupations but calls for policies to strengthen and support a more diverse workforce. The article’s findings are relevant in the clinical setting as they show the absence of role models, mentorship, and low-quality secondary education. Diversifying the healthcare workforce is a significant step in promoting equality in the healthcare system.

Takeshita, J., Wang, S., Loren, A. W., Mitra, N., Shults, J., Shin, D. B., & Sawinski, D. L. (2020). Association of racial/Ethnic and gender concordance between patients and physicians with patient experience ratings. JAMA Network Open, 3(11), e2024583.

The authors show how racial/ethnic similarities between patients and physicians affect the patient experience. The researchers conducted a Press Ganey Outpatient Medical Practice Survey to measure patients’ experience. Using a cross-sectional study, the authors found that patient-physician ethnicity concordance translates to the physician receiving a maximum score. Ethnic discordance was associated with the medical practitioners’ getting the least score. The article is relevant because it shows how the PS score may help detect opportunities to enhance the quality of healthcare delivery and physician ratings. The study also emphasizes the significance of patient satisfaction because it depicts the adequacy and high quality of healthcare services.